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Location/Address : h-269,st-90.I-8/4,islamabad
Phone number : +92518437482,+92514866041
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Brief Description : Brief Description : Visions statement People of Pakistan attain a measure of social development indicated by prosperity, self-respect, dignity, gender equality and access to quality services in health and education. Sunlighthdn.orgMission statement will collaborate with government, donors, civil society organisations, communities to bring about change for social development. Rationale and Justification People of Pakistan, particularly, low income groups that form an overwhelming majority of the population, are facing disadvantageous conditions also because of lack of information, awareness and access to services that results in low level of social development. We believe synergies in efforts of government, donors and civil society could bring about changes in public policy for social development in Pakistan. believes that social development could be brought with persistence of efforts and sincerity of objectives. was found by group of concerned professionals to strengthen various efforts for social development in the country. Social development is lagging behind as indicated by slow pace of progress towards achievement of targets for MDGs indicators. There is considerable donor support for social sector development, particularly in poverty reduction, health, education and environment sectors where civil society organisations can build synergies with for achievement of targets. The main emphasis is on empowerment of people and poverty reduction that we believe could result with greater efforts towards inclusive social development and gender equality. will promote and assist social development efforts for empowerment of people, bringing about gender equality and poverty reduction through quality improvement in, and access to health and education sectors services. Following specific objectives for SDI: Objectives 1 believes in working for achievement of results through activities that lead towards improvement of indicators for MDGs in Pakistani society. 2 will make efforts in policy advocacy for improvement of social sector services in the country. 3 aims to develop partnership with government, donors, civic society organization and community in efforts for social development 4 will undertake all activities to promote social sector development in the country Programme areas Research Health Education Training Sustainable development Employment creation

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