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Travel Agents - Ghandhara Pakistan guided tours

Ghandhara Pakistan guided tours

Information about Ghandhara Pakistan guided tours :
Location/Address : 749/ B Zia Masjid Sharial Islamabad
Phone number : 03004973105
Facebook Page : https://petermasih
Email : Contact Ghandhara Pakistan guided tours
Rating : Not Rated Yet.

Brief Description : I work as a private tour guide in every corner of Pakistan and organize cultural, archaeological religious like Sikh Yatra, Sufi Shrines, Hindu Temples and Churches and Buddhist monastery tours for tourists come to Pakistan from different countries, mostly I work as a guide with diplomats work in Pakistan. I live in Lahore city Pakistan and have been working as a tourist guide for last 14 years almost every corner of Pakistan. I always enjoy doing this job as I always meet people from different countries, exchange information with them about anything, especially different parts of the world. So tourism has been my passion because it always provides us chances to know about different cultures, people and their way of living. So I invite you come to Pakistan to visit what this incredible country has for tourists and let me have the honor to show you the wonders of this amazing. Let me show you my incredible country Pakistan. Thanks.

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